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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4020 il: Dicembre 29, 2018, 09:11:27 am »
Abbiamo un nuovo kicker, speriamo che sappia come metterla dentro i pali... :umhhhh: :umhhhh: :umhhhh:

Viste le statistiche coi raiders non credo abbia ben chiaro dive siano i pali... :mapor: :mapor: :mapor:

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4021 il: Gennaio 04, 2022, 10:18:22 pm »
E si giunge  alla fine dell'era Big Ben Roethlisberger... Tante gioie e tante partite da ricordare, altre da non dimenticare e alcune da non ricordare. Anni di gloria, ma anche di occasioni mancate, spesso per colpe non sue.
Si aprirà un nuovo ciclo, speriamo sempre con Tomlin al comando.
Per ora i QB a disposizione sono miseri backup di seconda linea, il Massone Rodolfo non ha mostrato granché, o forse anche peggio, e Haskins ha una testa che ricorda per metà quella bacata di AB84 e per metà quella fusa di LeVeon "sono l'unico RB degno di questo nome" Bell: l'unica speranza è che Tomlin sappia tirarne fuori qualcosa, a meno di clamorose trade o di una scelta al draft in una classe di QB veramente poco entusiasmante quest'anno. Quest'anno ci siamo giocati i PO perdendo con dei mediocri Vikes e pareggiando con dei pessimi Lions. L'OC va cambiato subito, per evitare di rovinare il futuro QB chiunque esso sia. Incrociamo le dita e speriamo nella dirigenza, in Tomlin e nella fortuna!!! :stillers:

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4022 il: Gennaio 05, 2022, 10:10:54 am »
E si giunge  alla fine dell'era Big Ben Roethlisberger... Tante gioie e tante partite da ricordare, altre da non dimenticare e alcune da non ricordare. Anni di gloria, ma anche di occasioni mancate, spesso per colpe non sue.
Si aprirà un nuovo ciclo, speriamo sempre con Tomlin al comando.
Per ora i QB a disposizione sono miseri backup di seconda linea, il Massone Rodolfo non ha mostrato granché, o forse anche peggio, e Haskins ha una testa che ricorda per metà quella bacata di AB84 e per metà quella fusa di LeVeon "sono l'unico RB degno di questo nome" Bell: l'unica speranza è che Tomlin sappia tirarne fuori qualcosa, a meno di clamorose trade o di una scelta al draft in una classe di QB veramente poco entusiasmante quest'anno. Quest'anno ci siamo giocati i PO perdendo con dei mediocri Vikes e pareggiando con dei pessimi Lions. L'OC va cambiato subito, per evitare di rovinare il futuro QB chiunque esso sia. Incrociamo le dita e speriamo nella dirigenza, in Tomlin e nella fortuna!!! :stillers:
Sarà interessante vedere se Pittsburgh cercherà di risolvere il problema QB con un veterano o punterà sul draft.

Magari potrebbero utilizzare una situazione ponte ossia un QB per 1/2 in attesa di sviluppare un QB preso al draft.

Tu che dici?

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4023 il: Gennaio 05, 2022, 07:07:03 pm »
Dico che a Pitts non vogliamo avere altre stagioni in balia dinnanzi situazione QB poco stabile. Quindi aspettare 1-2 anni per sviluppare un QB con una difesa da SB è tempo più che perso.

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4024 il: Gennaio 06, 2022, 02:22:42 pm »
Dico che a Pitts non vogliamo avere altre stagioni in balia dinnanzi situazione QB poco stabile. Quindi aspettare 1-2 anni per sviluppare un QB con una difesa da SB è tempo più che perso.
Quindi andrete per un veterano?

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Offline Jack The Sack

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4025 il: Gennaio 06, 2022, 08:41:24 pm »
come mai Pittsburgh non viene mai accostata ai veterani in aria di cambio di squadra?
non ci sono spazio o contropartite per Rodgers o Wilson?
... poi subentrerà Kaepernick e metteranno allo stadio la musichetta di Bennie Hill ... :colz:
"For some, being a real fan is about loyalty. It's about suffering. It's the legacy of a Cubs fan who's gone 102 years without a championship."
“Well the thing I’ve learned this week, and as we’ve all known for a very long time, if it’s on the internet, it’s true" (Jim Harbaugh)

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4026 il: Gennaio 06, 2022, 09:05:11 pm »
come mai Pittsburgh non viene mai accostata ai veterani in aria di cambio di squadra?
non ci sono spazio o contropartite per Rodgers o Wilson?
Rodgers e Wilson richiederanno una compensazione in fatto di pick piuttosto importante. Non è una mossa molto in stile Steelers.

Pittsburgh potrebbe essere una piazza interessante per due veterani come Cousins o Garoppolo.

La forza della squadra è nella difesa pertanto basterebbe un veterano che sia un valido game manager per poter fare bene in quel sistema

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4027 il: Gennaio 06, 2022, 09:17:28 pm »
Trade clamorose a Pitts se ne sono viste pochine pochine... Un veterano di alto livello ci vorrebbe con i WR che abbiamo e che non facciamo fatica ogni anno a scoprire. La stagione di Claypool è l'esempio di come un braccio poco preciso sul lungo penalizzi un'arma così letale. In giro c'è veramente poco, non salire a prendere Mahomes è stato un errore madornale, anche perché prima del draft era stato a Pitts e tutti erano rimasti impressionati. Ma per non fare torto a Big Ben, non lo presero. Speriamo che al draft caschi nelle nostre mani un QB poco quotato che possa diventare uno starter di livello come accaduto con Prescott e altri. L'anno scorso già abbiamo commesso un altro errore non prendendo Stafford, e ora a parte Garoppolo, troppo injury prone però, non vedo gente adatta al sistema di Tomlin. Speriamo nella sorpresa, un QB ponte non serve a nulla con la difesa e i WR, il RB e il TE che abbiamo.

Offline AlexC

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4028 il: Gennaio 12, 2022, 11:20:58 pm »
E playoff furono... dopo una partita da arresto cardiocircolatorio, c'è stato bisogno anche di aspettare un finale da manicomio tra Chargers e Raiders. Se ci sono ancora tifosi sani fisicamente dopo la serata in compagnia dei Ravens (che goduria sconfiggerli per la seconda volta in stagione e contemporaneamente sbatterli fuoro dai PO) consiglio vivamente di prendere diverse gocce di ansiolitico prima della sfida contro Mahomes and Co. . Visto che il finale del confronto è dato per scontato e trattandosi degli Steelers potremmo assistere ad una partita che ci porti sull'orlo della vittoria con finale incerto. Io mi premonirei con un acquisto nella farmacia più vicina a casa per poter passare indenni il tempo di svolgimento della partita. Per citare Tomlin, meglio essere "dozed off"!!! :stillers: :stillers: :stillers:

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4029 il: Gennaio 21, 2022, 08:03:30 am »
Si chiude un'era, ma se ne aprirà un'altra? In breve tempo? O faremo la fine degli Steelers anni 80-90? Il dilemma è grande soprattutto guardando un roster che rimane competitivo su entrambi i lati. Gli uomini ci sono, il nostro coach è uno dei migliori della lega da anni. Va ricordato che ha avuto sempre a disposizione un QB oltre la media e non si è finora mai confrontato con lo sviluppo e la gestione di un rookie da gettare nella mischia. Le decisioni che verranno prese saranno molto delicate proprio perché abbiamo un roster che non va smantellato per fare rebuilding ma che implementato nel QB e nei CB per rimanere competitivi per il Superbowl. Sarà Kenny Pickett la risposta? Averlo avuto sott'occhio per un buon lasso di tempo dovrebbe aver permesso una valutazione importante. Ma se lo prendiamo e non rende? E se non lo prendiamo e invece diventa un leader in un'altra franchigia? La seconda opzione andrebbe evitata per evitare che si getti un'ombra ancor più pesante sul GM e l'HC rispetto al caso in cui si percorra la prima strada.

Offline Jack The Sack

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4030 il: Gennaio 21, 2022, 08:17:04 am »
Da ignorante della situazione di Pittsburgh,
con tutto l'affetto che ho per Big Ben,
a me la squadra sembra davvero ad un QB dall'essere una contender e mi sembra la squadra dove provare ad inserire un ottimo QB già affermato se mai ce n'è stata una.
Perché non provare ad aggredire Wilson o Rodgers, per quanto non sia nella storia della franchigia?
Si aprirebbe immediatamente la possibilità di essere veramente competitivi al massimo livello fino al ritiro del QB in questione (un paio d'anni per Rodgers, di più per Wilson)
... poi subentrerà Kaepernick e metteranno allo stadio la musichetta di Bennie Hill ... :colz:
"For some, being a real fan is about loyalty. It's about suffering. It's the legacy of a Cubs fan who's gone 102 years without a championship."
“Well the thing I’ve learned this week, and as we’ve all known for a very long time, if it’s on the internet, it’s true" (Jim Harbaugh)

Offline AlexC

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4031 il: Gennaio 21, 2022, 07:07:33 pm »
La situazione che tu prospetti non sarebbe certo la peggiore, ma i miei sensi di ultrà degli Steelers mi dicono che la probabilità che questo avvenga è molto bassa. Poi, in un momento di lucida follia, potrebbero fare una delle due trades. :pliiiis: :erpecoradellacia:

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4032 il: Febbraio 18, 2022, 12:18:03 pm »
Steelers free-agency wish list, penciling in Mason Rudolph as Week 1 starter and JuJu’s future: Kaboly’s mailbag

PITTSBURGH — We have a loaded mailbag for you this month, and as you could predict, there is a lot of buzz around the Steelers leading up to this critical offseason.

So, let’s talk about it. You have questions and I have answers — that’s how this thing works.

(Note: Submitted questions have been edited for clarity and length.)

If the Steelers were to draft Kenny Pickett or another high-profile rookie, would it even make sense to play him before the O-line is sorted into something acceptable? — Adam S.

There are so many layers to this question, Adam. We don’t even know if the Steelers are interested in any of the rookies, and we are even less sure that any of them would be capable of stepping in and playing well behind the best offensive line in the NFL. Plus, the Chiefs were able to rectify their offensive line in one offseason, so there’s always that.

But I know what you are talking about, and I’ll play the game. The best-case scenario would have a redshirt year for any rookie quarterback coming in. I don’t think Pickett would be better than Mason Rudolph this year. I think that has been the plan all along.

How much development can an offensive lineman achieve in the offseason? Is it reasonable to think Dan Moore and Kendrick Green can add strength and some technical footwork to make them markedly better for next season, or is it shopping time? — Vince P.

A lot. When we talk about the offseason, we have to take into account the 10 OTA practices, the three days of minicamp practices and the month of training camp that includes nearly 20 practices and walkthroughs and three preseason games. That’s a lot of time to get better.

Green isn’t going to get any bigger, and he’s quite strong enough now. It’s all about technique in how to play center. I am not about to give up on him yet.

What position(s) do you think Steelers will add through free agency? — Robert G.

How much space do we have? There are a lot of needs, I am not going to deny that, but when you look at free agency, you have to look at what’s available as well and the price. Sure, they would love to sign Terron Armstead, but is a 30-year-old left tackle worth $24 million per year for a team like the Steelers?

It’s a puzzle. Need, price, availability and the draft all have something to do with it. Look at a position like the defensive line. Those guys take time to develop, so a free agent could come into play there. I like Larry Ogunjobi. He’s coming off a foot injury, but should be OK and is a good interior guy. Quinton Jefferson is a beast and might want to come back home (Woodland Hills). Safeties are plentiful in free agency as well.

Mark, what’s your opinion of Jordan Davis from Georgia? Big presence in the middle of the line. — Dan S.
He’s a monster, isn’t he? He can move pretty well for being 6-foot-6 and 340 pounds, but I don’t know if he is somebody that the Steelers want on their defense. The days of Casey “Big Snack” Hampton are gone, whether you think they need a guy like that or not. I just don’t think the upside is there for the Steelers, especially when he could be a first-round pick.

T.J. Watt said he “trusts the guys upstairs to bring in a guy who can win us some games.” Think this is a Freudian slip? Does it reflect the feelings of other players? Or, is this a whole lot of nothing? — Joe R.

We tend to parse the words of players too much. If he would have left out Dwayne Haskins and said Mason Rudolph, then we would find a way to turn that into a topic. Knowing T.J., he doesn’t think about stuff like that. It was likely just an oversight or how the question was phrased that he believed they were talking about outside people. I wouldn’t read much into it.

So what do you think about Mike Tomlin hiring an OL coach (Pat Meyer) who was responsible for one of the worst offensive lines in the NFL (with the Carolina Panthers)? — Jerry C.

I mean, I don’t know. He’s an offensive line coach, and typically the best ones also have talented players. I know there was a lot more to do with things in Carolina than Meyer’s coaching. The Panthers haven’t invested much in that unit, the running back got hurt and he wasn’t a Baylor or Temple guy, which Matt Rhule clearly prefers.

Surely the Steelers hired him for not only what direction they want to go in terms of technique and scheme, but he also has experience as an offensive coordinator and a run-game coordinator. Let’s cut the bull. Nobody was going to be happy with the hire unless it was Mike Munchak or Doug Marrone, and that’s a fact.

The Steelers need center Kendrick Green to make strides after a rocky rookie season. (Charles LeClaire / USA Today)
Is Malik Willis another QB in the mold of the million-dollar arm but is a little slow going through his progressions? — Wallace M.

Everything I have been told is that he isn’t a plug-and-play guy. He needs a year or two of seasoning, and that especially goes with his down-the-field reads. That doesn’t sound like the 20th pick to me.

Besides the obvious (QB and OL), which position and the work done on it during this offseason in the draft, free agency, and development of current players will be the most decisive when it comes to whether they have a contending season in 2022? — Nick D.

I don’t think it is quarterback. I think they can wait another year after they get things worked out around that position. They need to fix the offensive line. They need to add some starting talent there first and go from there, because to think that Moore and Green and Kevin Dotson are just going to turn into Pro Bowlers overnight is crazy talk.

Mark, If the Steelers were to promote either Omar Khan or Brandon Hunt to replace Kevin Colbert, would they be awarded third-round compensatory draft picks? — Jim M.

No. They would have to be “hired by another club.”

Mark, if the Steelers do dip into the free-agent pool, any particular players you think they would try to sign? — Mike S.

With the amount of money they have, they better dip into that pool. The defensive line, safety and overall depth are what they need the most. It might be unrealistic to think they are going to spend a large portion of their free-agency money on a tackle or a corner. I’d take a look at Quinton Jefferson on the defensive line and take a peek at Marcus Mariota at quarterback.

In a copycat league, do you foresee the Steelers breaking from tradition and following the Rams’ model of trading draft picks for a franchise QB? Regardless, do you think the Steelers will kick the tires on Carson Wentz, Jimmy Garoppolo, or Kyler Murray? — Tommy D.

I can see a team or two doing what the Rams did, but not the Steelers. This isn’t the NBA. Franchise quarterbacks aren’t out there for you to pick and choose, so it would make it hard to have any “Big Three” type of roster like the NBA does.

Plus, there is a risk. If the Rams didn’t win it this year, we don’t know how much not having picks would affect the team down the road. When it comes to the Steelers, they spent the first 35 years of their existence not caring about the first-round picks, and we see how that worked out.

And no on Wentz and Jimmy … and did you say “kick the tires” on Kyler Murray? I wouldn’t put him in the same sentence as the others, but he does get the same answer — no.

Tomlin is never seen with a play sheet or speaking into his headset — what makes everyone so sure he is calling all or the majority of the defensive plays? — Kevin G.

I agree. I think the “calling the plays” refers to more in-week planning. During games, I am sure Tomlin said to blitz or play man or whatever, but not on an every-play basis. No way. By the way, who was holding the play sheet when Butler was out with COVID-19? Tomlin. It all seems crazy to me.

Am I crazy for wanting to bring Mitchell Trubisky into the QB competition? — Craig C.

Do you think he is much better than Rudolph? He played on a Bears team that had a great defense, so maybe it would work. But I always say this: What first-round quarterback failure ever came back to resurrect his career? Ryan Tannehill? It just doesn’t happen.

Is anyone on this offensive line set in stone as of today, or is it possible the Steelers try to upgrade all five positions? — Mike P.

I would like to believe that Moore is pretty entrenched, but he could also move to right tackle. Other than that, no. Dotson would be next on the list, but the guy has been hurt for the majority of his first two years. Saying that, I would point at right guard and right tackle as where the upgrade needs to happen.

Players missed time this year with groin injuries, most of it early in the season, and impacted our defense. This can’t be a fluke or mere coincidence. — Chris B.

I am skeptical that Tomlin just didn’t use the groin designation for another word for the lower body. He was hell-bent not giving out injury information this year from the start. It is just crazy to think that so many people had groin injuries. It makes no sense. I am just speculating here, but it seems strange.

Now, if it was true, the Steelers have programs in place that can predict overuse of certain muscle groups, and I am sure they would tweak that.

If McVay were to step away from the Rams and come back in, let’s say, 2025, do you think the Steelers should target him and get rid of Tomlin? — Jack P.

A lot of ifs with this question. I don’t know how I am going to walk upstairs here in a minute, and you want me to speculate three years down the road? Hell, it’s a mailbag, so whatever. McVay stays, Tomlin stays and the Steelers play the Rams in the Super Bowl 60.

I’ve never felt less confident in our coordinators and assistant coaches, is there anything to be optimistic about with this group? — Ryan K.

It can’t get any worse than last year? You have that. I think Teryl Austin is a good coach and will have this defense better in 2022.

I understand the concerns with Matt Canada, and I have the same ones. If you want to be optimistic about him, just keep telling yourself he wasn’t able to run his full scheme last year and he will get a chance to do that this year. That’s all I got for you.

How do the Steelers’ practice facilities compare to the rest of the league? — Ken F.

I haven’t been to other team’s practice facilities, but I can assure you that every other team in the NFL isn’t fighting for space in their building daily with a college team. The upgrade with the weight room a few years back was needed, but the biggest issue I see is that the Rooney Sports Complex isn’t big enough for a pro and college team to share.

After watching the Super Bowl, I think the Steelers desperately need to be much stronger up the middle and on both sides of the ball. I think if one of their top two quarterbacks is there, take him, then the best players at center, nose tackle, or inside linebacker. — John R.

I just don’t see a QB there at 20 worth taking. That’s me. I can assure you they aren’t taking a nose tackle at 20, but I get you with a guy like Iowa center Tyler Linderbaum or Utah inside linebacker Devin Lloyd at that slot. I would like them to see them take an offensive tackle, but when was the last time they took a tackle in the first round? It was 1996, and how did that work out?

What happened with Kevin Dotson this year? He appeared to show promise during his rookie year, but in retrospect, perhaps that was a result of looking at him with rose-colored glasses. — Alex S.

He’s been hurt. It’s that simple. He got hurt in camp two years ago, got COVID-19, got hurt again and then suffered a nasty ankle injury that kept him out of the second half of last year. He has talent and the body, he just needs reps and to stay healthy. The best ability is availability, right? And he hasn’t been available nearly enough.

Carson Wentz in Black and Gold? What says you? — Robert M.

I think I would take him over the other group of veteran quarterbacks out there, but he would have to be traded and then you would have to give up draft capital and then pay him $22 million this year. The good thing with him is that you would have him under control for three years with no risk past this year with no guaranteed money on his contract. That would be something that would interest me over Jimmy G.

Mark, who do you think are the leading candidates for the GM role? Excluding Hunt and Khan, who do you think are the best and worst fits of those they’ve interviewed? — Steven L.

I don’t think we can exclude Brandon Hunt because I feel that is who is going to get the job. The Steelers have interviewed all personnel people other than Khan, which is an indication to me that he isn’t a serious candidate in the Steelers’ eyes.

I don’t like Louis Riddick as a candidate. He’s too far removed from the inner workings of the NFL for me. Out of the others, Ryan Cowden jumps out to me because of the success the Titans have had with personnel the past couple of years.

How’s your Achilles? The newly injured one that is. — Dom A.

I wish I could tell you, but it takes three weeks to get an MRI in this town. I am walking like an 80-year-old man, so that might suggest something.

Please explain. A lot of Steeler fans are pining for Jimmy G, but the team that knows him best traded three No. 1 picks to replace him. — Dan L.

That’s the least of Jimmy G’s problems. Even if the Steelers did want to acquire him, they would have to give up picks and also extend him, or else you’re giving up draft capital for a lame-duck average quarterback? It doesn’t make sense at all to me.

Hey Mark, is it worth it/possible to try to woo Jameis Winston with a 2ish-year deal, or are we destined for the year of the Rudolph? — Louis Y.

I answer questions like this the same way all the time. Who says  Winston wants to come here when he’s got the starting job waiting for him in New Orleans? Yes, I think you are going to get a year of Rudolph.

Thoughts on Ryan Jensen as a free-agent target for the Steelers? — Luke L.

I like his hair, and he’s a mean dude. And he would be affordable (likely around $10 million per year), and we have seen centers still play well into their 30s. I still don’t think they are willing to give up on Kendrick Green. I may be naive, but that’s how I feel.

Hi Mark, my question is in the process. I understand that preparing for the draft, they rate players, not position. So, essentially when they get to No. 20 (with all the holes they have) they can pick the best player on their board. — Deno D.

It’s within reason. They will pick for need if the players are ranked closely. Let’s assume they have Alabama wide receiver Jameson Williams at 17 and Utah ILB Devin Lloyd at 22. They would choose need in that instance. They love to say they don’t draft for need, but they do within the parameters they set for themselves.

Would the Steelers be willing to sign someone like Orlando Brown Jr? — Michael A.

That’s a lot of money to sign him. Would you be willing to give him over $20 million? I wouldn’t. Plus, the Chiefs spent a lot to get him and would likely use a franchise tag to keep him around before just letting him walk.

I think the best thing for the Steelers is to let the OC and DC call their plays and allow Coach Tomlin to focus on the WHOLE game and see how that works. Do you think that will happen? — Scott S.

No. Tomlin will always have his fingers on everything, and rightfully so. He just needs it to be a little less often than what we’ve seen recently. You hire somebody, now let them do their job. I do believe most of Tomlin’s meddling comes during the week in putting a plan together, and that won’t change.

Should we draft a quarterback or try to get a serviceable veteran? — Matthew R.

How about trading for Gardner Minshew on the second day of the draft? I am going with that one.

Reports from the Senior Bowl were that the Steelers are in love with Malik Willis. The Steelers have a history of telegraphing their picks so let’s just assume they take him at 20, redshirt him for this year and give Rudolph the keys to the car for the 2022 season. Rudolph has a career year and leads the Steelers to a playoff victory. What’s the next move? — Wes L.

I don’t necessarily agree with the telegraphing thing. I don’t think any of us had Terrell Edmunds as a first-rounder. If everything plays out as you suggest, that sure sounds like what’s taking place in San Francisco right now, and we see where that’s going. Rudolph would try to cash out and get more stability, and the young guy will take over.

Do the Steelers have any chance of bringing JuJu Smith-Schuster back? He’s such a key part of their offense. If they do lose him, are they more likely to replace him through free agency or the draft? — Aimee H.

I sure as hell think they need to try, but it’s not going to be easy. They missed him when he was out last year in the red zone and on third downs as well as in the run game. I would put it at the top of my priority list and I think JuJu would be willing to come back if he is offered market value regardless of the wooden lockers.

But with the amount of money floating around and the sense I get he would rather be closer to Los Angeles, I would think that he’ll sign elsewhere. Where? What about Arizona?

Starting QB in 2022: Who do you think it will be? Who do you want it to be? Who will it be? — Jordan H.

Rudolph. Roethlisberger. Rudolph.

When was the last time that the Steelers were faced with such a huge task of rebuilding? It seems like forever ago. How confident are you that they can do a good job when their GM is leaving? — John R.

A decade ago was bad. They had old players and old players that made a lot of money. That rebuild lasted two years and a pair of 8-8 seasons, so I think that is doable, but a lot depends on the quarterback play. When they rebuilt the last time, they had a franchise quarterback. So much is going to depend on that position and the player they get.

As for the GM, it’s a big decision, but if you keep the same structure in place (being a personnel guy), then I don’t see why anything would change, and that’s especially true if Hunt is named the new GM.

Who do you think will survive the salary-cap chopping block this offseason? Stephon Tuitt? Joe Schobert? Zach Banner? Is anyone else looking cuttable this offseason? — Alexander R.

I don’t think any will get cut. Tuitt might retire, Banner a pay cut and Schobert will stay on even with his hefty salary (for now). There is no salary-cap crunch, and they can create more money with restructures, so there is no need to cut anybody right now.

Will the Steelers trade down in the first or second round to pick up draft picks? — Jason J.

I would say that’s highly unlikely because they value their first-round picks. And I think when we look at Kevin Colbert’s career dating back to 2000 and see he traded back just once, that tells us everything. Now, maybe they should, but they won’t.

Will the new GM be in control of personnel decisions, or will Tomlin be calling all the shots? — David E.

They aren’t going to change. The new GM will be in charge of player personnel, and Tomlin and Rooney will come in later and work with them in putting together the final board. They will all have a say, but it is not like Tomlin is going to take over. He doesn’t have time for that.

Offline AlexC

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4033 il: Febbraio 20, 2022, 05:48:41 pm »
Questo articolo mette in evidenza le grandi problematiche di Pitts. Non sarà semplice costruire un roster tra OL e QB degno di quello che abbiamo in difesa. Speriamo in qualche magata in FA e al draft, altrimenti vedo un'altra stagione non perdente ma che butta via il talento della difesa.

Offline AlexC

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Re:The Steelers Nation
« Risposta #4034 il: Maggio 24, 2022, 10:27:16 pm »
Finito il draft nessun hype riguardo quanto si prospetta per la prossima stagione. Neanche i dubbi sulle manine di Pickett e sull'eventuale battaglia con Trombisky vengono sviscerati. Un silenzio che ammorba....